Pocket Filters

Pocket Filters


exceed Filters® Pocket Filters are made of multilayer nanofiber based media in a corrosion resistant frame. The synthetic nanofiber media allows for maximum capture of smaller dust and smoke particles, toxic pollutants, and microorganisms. Our filters are available with up to 12 pockets and 36" depth in MERV 11, 13, and 14.  NESHAP/EPA Method 319 approved option available.

The nanofiber media of exceed Pocket Filters allows for higher particle capture efficiency. The scrim layers provide additional protection against punctures and tearing. The galvanized steel j-channel supports are stapled, riveted and glued into one 26 gauge galvanized metal frame for leakproof pocket attachment. This reduces the risk of blowouts or the filter failing. exceed Pocket Filters are available in standard and oil-resistant options.

Specification Sheet